Tender Loving Care Adult Day Health Center

About Us:

Tender Loving Care Adult Day Health Center is located in Pompano Beach, Florida.  It is licensed by The Agency of Health Care Administration (ACHA). The center is a social and medical model adult daycare center. Tender Loving Care Adult Day Health Center was established by a caregiver who wanted to provide physical, mental and financial relief for families caring for a loved one. Caregiving for a parent, spouse, family member or friend can be both wonderful and exhausting. What are you to do if you need to go to work, attend an appointment or simply take time for yourself?  Adult Daycare service is the perfect answer.

Tender Loving Care Adult Day Health Center serves adults living with life-altering diagnoses and their families by providing exceptional adult and caregiver services. National Adult Day Service Association defines adult day services as a” coordinate programs of professional and compassionate services for adult in a community -based group setting. Services are designed to provide social and some health services to adults who need supervised care in a safe place outside the home during the day.”

Tender Loving Care Adult Day Health Center staff have been carefully selected and trained. All employees have pass the level 2 background check and have experienced working with elderly and disabled persons.

We are proud to partner with Albuzi University, their graduates speech pathologist interns are providing speech therapy to our participants , the therapy not only improve their speech but also their cognitive level.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil right activity, (Not all prohibited bases apply to all program.)